
We thought we would go try this restaurant with the vouchers we got. But it turned out that we didn't read the fine print carefully and it couldn't be used with the set meals we ordered. It would not be any great deal if the food was fantastic, the service was excellent and we loved it, on the contrary we left the  place beating our chest. Quite a spoiler for our afternoon, I must say.

And this is why...



french air

tall cabinets

If you looked into the restaurant, it looked like a great place to enjoy a piping hot meal with great coffee to go with. Perfect for Dec cooling weather. However on closer look on the fabric chairs, it spotted stains and hair strands on it.

stained stool

stained armchair

For F&B establishment, it certainly looked an eye sore to have stained furnitures. We were first ushered  to this table and I requested for a change. I simply could not tear myself away from the thought that millions of germs were lurking under my butt. Although we are touching millions of germs unknowingly when we are outside, I still couldn't overcome this thought. I guess I am simply a visual person and imagination comes too livid with real scene. While the establishment owner was thoughtful to have stool for the ladies' bags and cosy fabric chairs, it would be expensive in long run to maintain the upholstery. Not ideal for business profit in a F&B industrial.

root beer

peppermint tea set

"No sharing of tea set but if shared, it won't be refilled." quoted by the young waitress with rather a heavy accent. So Darren got himself a root beer while I needed a peppermint tea to wash down my food. The drinks came very quickly but I was disappointed.


specks of peppermint tea leaves

Apparently, the tea drainer needed to be fixed. Small specks of tea leaves were pouring out from the pot  which really was undesirable. I didn't ask for an exchange to minimise the inconvenience.

classic burger

My Pique-Nique classic burger came a few minutes after the beverages. I was asked if I would like to have any sauce to go along. The same young waitress returned with my ketchup ... eh with extra protein packed in the form of a small fly. This time, we immediately asked for a new ketchup sauce and I can't help what other extra ingredients might just go into my burger.

meatball pasta

Darren's meatball pasta was something I could do at home. Nothing special which was good in a way *wink*

waffle with vanilla ice cream,
together with salted caramel

I added on a waffle with vanilla ice cream, together with salted caramel. This combination was good and the waffle was freshly prepared. Finally, something good to finish off the meal.

We would not have dined here if not, for the vouchers and it turned out we couldn't use it for the set meals we had. We would much prefer to have a light cuisine after all the Xmas feasting. Oh well, never try never know.
