Waves of Reflection (Part 2)

Xmas came and gone. Very soon we are stepping into the new 2009. Not to mention Chinese New Year is only less than a month away.

When 2 persons are in love, time seems to have come to a standstill. Everything surrounding them becomes infinite. Forever, Always, Until the end of time. When love gets stale, excitement gone, the infinite becomes a drag. Always becomes negative. Forever is no longer pleasant. Until the end of time is like a nightmare.

When 2 strangers meet and love strike, they stand on the same platform. The initial part of the relationship is always exciting, because there are so much unknown to explore. When the 2 get more familiar, more comfortable with each other, Appreciation gets lesser in most cases.

To prevent LOVE getting stale, i guess keep on remembering the good times helps. Having the same vision in life helps too, because one partner may start to emphasize on career while the other is keen on settling down. Or one is still a wanderlust while the other is a homely person. Hence having the same vision and goal will remind the couple why they are together.

Our walk to the next step is a big gap. In finding ways to cross this bridge, we have learnt to support and encourage each other. To show more understanding and be more patient. Have a bigger heart in forgiving and remembering no one is perfect.

Even though we are still at the bridge but i have more confident now than before. Because I know my partner may be angry and upset with me, yet he will still hold onto me and not give up on me.

Just like this photo, the outer crust looks so unappealing and rough but the interior sparkles. Like in a relationship, there may be rough times, yet you may be holding a precious gem that just need your attention a little more. To polish and discover the sparkle!

"...Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things." Philippians 4:8
