Please help them...

Has always been wanting to visit the SPCA. Finally I got a chance to do so. The premises are not exactly what I have expected, is a lot smaller than I thought it would be. It is opened to public except on Thursdays. SPCA closes on Thursday unless is a public holiday. They won't turn away any animals but due to resources constraints, these unwanted pets won't be able to live there for long. Needless for me to explain further, I guess you know the likelihood fate of these poor animals.

I wonder why would anyone give up such a nice breed of bunny.

Of course, there are many mix breeds too and mongrels. This doggy here is Gandalf, a mixed Husky breed. I suspect is a Schnauzer breed mixed with Siberian Husky breed.

And there are really good breeds doggies. Like Mita on the left and Lady on the right. While no reason is given why Mita is put up for adoption, Lady was given away because her owner said "No maid to look after"

When you keep a dog, it is your responsibility to look after the dog. Not your spouse, or your parents or your children or your maid!!!! I strongly encourage any potential dog owner to think many many times before committing yourself to own a dog. And if you are really really committed, please visit SPCA ( or any other animals welfare group eg. Action For Singapore Dogs ( , to check if you can adopt any dog before buying.

If you are keen on adopting other small animals or like to contribute your part, you may like to check out this site ( It is taken out from the Singapore Animal Welfare Symposium held in SMU in May 08.

On behalf of all the doggies and their friends, thank you for your time and effort to find out more about abandoned pets and how you may be able to help them.
