Red Date Tea

Bought the ingredients to make Confinement Red Date Tea. Unlike the usual red date tea we drink, confinement version required 4 main ingredients - red dates, black dates, wolfberry and dang sheng. Longan meat for sweetness.

We didn't go down to Victoria Street to purchase all these. Instead we decided to try neighbourhood medical hall.

Bee's Brand @ Ghim Moh outlet

From top row (L-R)

1) Seedless red dates, 700g @ $3.80
2) Zhangzhou longan meat, 1kg @ $15.00

Bottom row (L-R)

3) Black dates, 500g @ $3.50
4) Ning Xia Wolfberry, 300g @ $7.50
4) Wen Dang Sheng, 250g @ $24.80

According to the shop people, my loot is only enough for half a month's supply. I think I will try to stretch to a month. Afterall, this is only the tip of the iceberg. I foresee more expenditure during confinement month.

*moolah flying away*
