24 hours of drama begins now...

Today is really the most drama day for me. What I thought was a routine check at gynae's, turned out to be so drama mama for me and Darren.

First warning came the low amniotic fluid, Dr Tan decided to send me for CTG to monitor Xiao Poh's heartbeat pattern even though I didn't find him moving lesser than before.

After being strapped to the CTG for an hour, Dr Tan scanned me and checked my cervix dilation again. He decided I am to be admitted to hospital tonight to induce birth.

His explanation was low amniotic fluid means placenta is aging and not functioning well. There's no benefit of keeping baby inside and runs the risk of not having enough oxygen to baby.

Shock to the MAX!

The plan is to admit tonight to hospital, the nurses will place a tablet to prime the cervix. Next morning at 7am, Dr Tan will come and burst my waterbag and labour will begin. OMG! I can't believe it, neither does Darren.

We were so stunned. For once in my pregnancy, my hands totally turned cold. Darren scratched his car when exiting the car park. I spilled sauce over dress during lunch. Many frantic phone calls to bosses, colleagues, mums and SMSes to friends for prayers.

And I have just packed my hospital bag.

Cover me and Jonathan in prayer if you can, please pray for me a smooth delivery and Jonathan will arrive safely into the world.


mamamira said…
Sincerely wishing you a smooth delivery here and looking forward to see Jonathan on yr blog :))
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