Down on my Luck

This whole week I was so sick. The vicious cycle of fever, flu, cough keep repeating itself. Went to 2 doctors. Changed my antibiotics 3 times. Now into my 3rd coughing syrup. Before thing gets better, my right eye got infected!

I guess the infection started on Wednesday and I dismissed the tear discharges from my right eye as a sign of dry eyes. Didn't pay much attention. I went back to work on Friday and later in the evening, my right eyes got really irritated.

At 11+pm, my darling jogged to the 24hrs NTUC to get me a bottle of eye wash.

I thought that was all I needed.

This Saturday morning, I woke up with my right eye plastered tight by sticky discharge. Went to the doc again. OMG! My right eye got infected as a result from my cold complication.

Now on antibiotics eye drops and hopefully my right eye will recover soon. For now, I just have to be contended with big small eyes.
