a Conflict of both

This morning, we had the Betrothal Process 纳彩, 下娉 or 过大礼 as you would have called it.

This is part of a Chinese Customary Wedding but we have modernized and simplified the whole process that we feel that it becomes a conflict of trying to retain the Chinese customary wedding tradition and yet, cutting down the bits we deemed as unnecessary to relieve ourselves of the stress of getting it done.

It is a conflict and a dilemma but the show still has to go on...

Introducing the simplified gifts from the Groom's family

as you can see, most of the stuff were represented by the red packets. We didn't even have the proper basket.

Not losing out in simplicity, the Bride's family returned the gesture with...

oranges and more oranges.

Please note that both sets of parents have met and agreed mutually that simple is the best.

We are just happy with the convenience.
