Lousy Lousy

I had such a lousy yesterday...

Got to squeeze with the impossible crowds in the trains and bus. It won't happened if I could leave my office earlier. The incessant phone calls drove me to the brink of craziness coupled with the fact, I was running late for my piano teaching.

Back home, I couldn't access this blog AGAIN.... I don't know what's wrong or is it just a coincidence that after the typhoon in Taiwan, I have problems accessing blogspot at home. But I have no problem logging into my account in office or at boyfriend's place. Does it got to do with Singnet?

The renovation quotation I got is depressingly so off our budget. Although we got our new place without COV and below valuation, the 5% cash component imposed by the bank was really hefty. Perhaps it is time to review my expectations, re-aligned my needs and wants to better fit into our budget.
