Raw Fav

I like photos that are taken naturally, with the subjects not knowing they are being photographed.

Kudos to both Raymond and Joe (Absolut. Resolution Photography) for these brilliant shots!

*me + my cheeky grin*

* a rare quiet moment for us*

*one of my fav pastimes is to sit in those coffee houses.
i'm so glad the photographers managed to sneak
in a few shots of us in Olio Dome @ Dempsey Road.*

*I'm probably the most greedy bride-to-be.
How to resist when the food is just right before you?!*

*Such a rare relax moment for my man!*

*Some probably won't like this kind of headless photo.
But it's so Art-as to me. Who cares!*

*so mysterious... who's behind... *

*I can never shoot this kind of sky myself.
Such a carefree feeling.... *


Angeline said…
yoz..ger...the Dome layout at Dempsey is so similar or should i say exactly the same as the Dome layout at the one that i have visited in PErth!!! LOL...
Anonymous said…
Hey Joyce (aka Tulips),

I also had a "headless" shot and loved it...tot it was such a refreshing shot n a good way of making use of reflections =)

Maybe simple but I think it's uber lovely and looks great on you =)
