Without Mouse

The mouse died and I have no other mouse to use. Is it possible to use a computer without the mouse? I thought it was quite impossible and then impossible is a strong word to use without even trying. So here I am, typing away without the mouse's assistance.

It was tough initially, considered all functions used to be a click away, now, I have to TAB the function. But hey, I managed to surf a site before coming into my blog and typed this to you.

In life, we will meet obstacles along our way. Sometimes, by the sheer look at it, we concluded it is impossible. But there are also surprises too. Like now, I'm surprised that I can manage to surf internet and update my blog, without anyone's help. Not even my IT engineer counterpart. However, if I were to just shutdown the PC once I found out the mouse died, I would have never found out that I could use the internet just tabbing the keyboard.

It surprised me that how some tasks might seen difficult, to impossible extend, yet was actually very easy to manage. So I guess, that's why people often say " Never say die until you try "

Have you try it today?


Angeline said…
haha..i nv know tat one can go online without mouse... hehe...this blog reali encourage me to try going online without mouse... LOL