The "S" Word

Recently, NTU was in the headlines for not-so- good reasons. First was a student that stabbed the lecturer and then fell to his own death. Then yesterday, a staff hanged himself. Apparently, both incidents happened to the same faculty and from the same lab.

What was going on in this faculty? In the lab? What about the lecturer?

Many have speculated that STRESS was the main killer. I actually won't dispute that. STRESS, seems so common but how well do we actually know about this silent killer? Everyday, we bound to hear someone lamenting " oh I'm so stresss.." But is it a real STRESS stress or a remark for lamenting?

When I was much younger, I remembered myself preparing for my chemistry paper. I remembered how the period, particularly the day before, I was so worried, so anxious that I couldn't do anything else but hug my chemistry book. I thought I am going to suffer a nervous breakdown soon. In the end, what probably saved me from going berserk was that I snapped out of it and told myself I have done my best.

Then as I was growing up, I began to learn about the "S" word - STRESS and all its negative effects.

1. When I faced stress, I started to get chest pain and headache. Very bad indeed.
2. Stressing could lead to loss of hair. I'm concerned. Vanity overrides all others.
3. Stress cause my immunity level to dip. This is when cancerous cells have a chance to sneak an attack in your body. That's so horrible and so not worth it for whatever you are stressing about.
4. Stress cause your emotions to go yo-yo motion.

So how to combat stress?

1. Recognize what is the source of your stress.

Currently, I'm feeling quite uptight on my project. Time is pressing and suddenly my experiments don't work.

2. Stay positive despite the negative circumstances.

Instead of hanging my head down, I started to list out the possibilities and work on it.

3. So what if everything you tried fails. You got nothing to lose.

Even if i try everything and nothing works, I've got nothing to lose. Yes, my bonus depends on it and so is my career advancement. But in return, I would have found out all the methods that don't work. So the next time a similar situation happens, I would have already known all the don't-work ways.

4. Scare myself.

Stress gives me plenty of bodily discomfort, from chest pain to headaches to dropping of hair. Before I find out who sells the best hair wig, I have to keep my hair on my head. Vanity rules!

Also, it is definitely never never worth to spoil your health for work, because at the end of the day, while you are lying sick in bed, the company will still continue to spin its money. Who's going to stop working and spinning money just because you are sick!

5. Rant it out, spit it out, cry it out

I talk it out, even to someone who doesn't understand what I'm talking about. I give little treats to myself for enduring a long day of hard work. I cry... to release the emotional stress. Real girls do cry!

Lastly, accept the fact that you have done your best and not dwell in your failures. What don't kill you just make you stronger.


yagizaneo said…
This is a very enlightening post on stress management =)