Let's get this straight!

I decided to break my silent on this matter.

Do we have a freedom of speech? Apparently, the truth is not 100% freedom but to certain extent. I know that once I posted something online be it in a forum or in my blog, there will be no privacy. Anyone can read what I have written and I will have no control over who gets to read what.

However, I respect the point that certain topics and postings require greater sensitivity. Perhaps the link is not just to me, but also to the people around me.

Having said so, whatever I have posted in this blog is all about my feelings and thoughts. A revenue for me to vent my frustrations and unhappiness. A haven for me to hide away while waiting for the storm to die down. A little tavern for me to get drowned in my happiness.

I have never deliberately or purposefully posted a comment with the intention to spread a negative vibe to the subject in question.

I have been "warned" to be careful in what I say. And I certainly don't like it at all.

There won't be any dramatic changes to apple's diary because I don't think my inventory of apple's microscopic happenings is worth anyone's special attention. However, I accept the fact that humans are extremely curious and gossipy species. Hence, I shall in my best capacity displayed greater sensitivity to touchy issues in lest that some may get too personal and start thinking I'm a rotten apple.

Bottomline of this story - Apple learns that some things are best left unspoken.
