Help! My whole body is aching...

3 weeks into my new role... my whole body finally throw in the towel. Last night, I woke up at 2.30am wanting to express the milk. I went to check on Jonathan first and saw that things were thrown all over the place. Then confinement auntie exclaimed that Jonathan did a projectile poo which ended up on her shirt and pants. On further examination, I realised that his baby cot had spots of poo too. So I spent 30mins cleaning up his room while he peacefully slept on without knowing the mess he had made.

This morning, I did my first bath with Jonathan. He looked abit apprehensive with a new face bathing him and even made a small fuss when I held him at the wrong position. In the end, there were 3 pairs of hands bathing him this morning, much to his amusement.

Bath aside, I realised the position of the bath tub and my stool are not in a favourable height. There was too much bending for me... my poor back is going to break.

Last of all, my hands are aching now. Finger joints are more painful than before. Although manual pumping contribute more yield for me, the aching muscles are quite a problem for me.

*using Avent manual, I had a breakthrough in my milk business*

After 4 days of manual pumping, I called it quit again. Changed back to my Medela freestyle and giving my aching hands a break.

The real tough times is going to happen when confinement auntie leaves next Thursday. I really hope Jonathan will cooperate with me.
