Ending a Chapter

20 May 2015

We threw a little tea party for Matt's class at CWK, treated his friends with Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse cupcakes and a little goodies bag. It was a little farewell party for him as he didn't have a chance to celebrate his birthday in his first preschool. It was also to create an opportunity for us to have a glimpse how he had spent his first 6 months in a preschool.

summer berries charlotte cake

I ordered the cake and cupcakes from Cloud9 once again. I thought this Summer Berries Charlotte cake would be appropriate for the teachers and staff to enjoy in this warm season.

MM cupcakes

I picked cupcakes as I thought it would be easier for the little children to consume and went for Mickey Mouse/ Minnie Mouse theme as this was the first cartoon character which Matt liked.

We reached the school promptly and set out the plates and spoons while the teachers led the class to toilet break. We didn't tell Matt the party plan and the expression on his face was from a moment of bewilderedness (why were we here?)  and then broke into a smile. Little boy was surprised and happy to see us.

the classroom

MM cupcake

We went shopping at Daiso a week before this little tea party to get ready the party stuff. I was pleasantly surprised by the range and varieties of party needs Daiso stocked up. To certain extent, I thought Daiso is giving NTUC a run of their money. At $2 per item, cute little plastic spoons and plates (Made in Japan) were certainly a good bargain.

party plates and spoons

scribble tablet

We also bought these scribble tablet as goodies bags for the children. This idea was conceived after Heguru teacher mentioned on the different ways of keeping the children occupied at dining table instead of flashing them the digital gadgets. It was small and light and I thought it would be useful to bring out so the kids can play with it while waiting for our food to be served or while waiting for the adults to finish their meals.

notes & cards

I also got these little cards and wrote notes on it. Even the goodies bag itself was from Daiso. In the end, I also packed a box of Yam Yam in.

the goodies bags

The children were awesome. The teachers told them to wait and not touch the cupcakes so that I could take photos of Matt with his friends. The children waited patiently for us to finish our photo taking and then proceeded to give thanks before digging into the cupcakes.

with his group

the rest of his class

with his teachers

His English teacher, Mrs Chang took us to the Principal's office so that we could present the cake to them.

Principal (most right) and staff

We then left for our lunch before returning again so that we could capture the moments which Matt gave the goodies bags to his friends.

getting ready to give out the goodies bags

everyone's happy

The kids were happy and gave a hug to Matt. Then we left the classroom so the teachers could organise the class and got them ready for dismissal.

Thank You cards for the teachers

I developed 2 photos of him with his teachers and got him to make a Thank You card for his teachers. Chose the orange and green theme just because orange is his favourite colour. I did the cutting while he stick those stickers around. I held his hands to spell out the teachers' names and did the ribbons for him. Yesterday, he brought the cards to school and gave it to his teachers, much to their delight.

With that, Matt has closed a chapter of his preschool life and come next month, he will begin a new chapter.
