Who's more stress? Parents or Child?

Last Thursday Straits Times reported how some of the popular schools had limited vacancies for Phrase 2B.

Taken from Straits Time, Thursday 19 July 2012

Boy.... Our choice of school for Jonathan was in the list. This is real and it is so competitive. It seems like in Singapore, from getting a flat to enrolling your child in kindergarten to primary school, it is like a mad race and super competitive.

Must thank God that when we first scouted our flat, the Bukit Batok deal was called off. If not, 6 years later, we will be biting our finger nails as we await for the ballot result.

Thank God for His planning and timing that we ended up in Clementi, within 1km of Nan Hua Primary  and being an old girl (and planning to join the alumni - to get a guarantee and confirm chop we're in), we should have a relatively good chance to get Jonathan in under Phrase 2A.

This of course provided our government doesn't change the rules and we stay put where we are for next  6 years.

But for now... we are already planning on Jonathan's kindergarten. Then of course, this will be another finger biting moment. Darren's hope of getting Jonathan into St James is left hanging in the air with the news came out last Sunday that St James Kiddy might closed down. Before the man gets too excited about Kindergarten, I bring him down to Mother Earth... because we have not even resolved Jonathan's playgroup!

A long way for us to go but time flies... I wonder who will be more stress when Jonathan enters school.
