August - The Preparation Month

With me stepping into my 33rd week, I have devoted the entire August to finish and finalize everything to welcome our little Prince into our world.

1st on the list - to get the baby cot delivered.

We actually ordered this Bebe Mignon baby cot during OG's baby fair in May. For $325, the baby cot came with a 4" foam mattress, a changing tray and a set of bedding. Delivery and installation included. We picked oak colour to match with the rest of the house decor. Baby cot can be converted to a toddler bed when time comes.

With this baby cot, Xiao Poh's room is packed with all his goodies sprawled all over the floor. To be honest, I can't stand the mess in his room. So I have written down a To Do list for his papa.

Starting from today, I am beginning my 2nd round of washing. That's all the Xiao Poh's clothes and bedding sets.

Then I'm going to go Ikea to buy boxes to keep his toys. Intending to clean them and keep them, so we don't have to rush through all the cleaning when Xiao Poh is here. Oh yes, I also need a night lamp in his room.

From mid-to end August, all electronic gadgets to be out of their boxes. Set it up and run trial to make sure we know how to operate them. This included the sterilizer, the Avent baby monitor, the Sharp ionizer, the fan etc.

Finally, wipe down the baby cot and I am going to relax in September and research on the full month party essential!


Angeline said…
Yes, looking forward to Xiao Poh's full month party!