6 month Review

It is almost the end of June and it has already been 178 days gone in 2015. I thought it would be good to do a review on the study plan I drafted earlier this year.

Except for the Heguru worksheet which was the most consistent, we didn't manage to work out with the rest of the plan. Berries revision was next most frequent attempted though it was not on daily basis. For the rest, we didn't do much.

Like Maths, I did the addition and subtraction concept recently with the abacus from Ikea. I didn't have much luck with the Dot bar program. Jonathan is still learning to spell his name and it is fair he should have more time to learn since his name was long to begin with. I'm starting to get him write down his name on the Heguru worksheet by tracing over mine.

As for Matthew, except for doing the Heguru worksheet, I haven't been really doing much with him.

So I decided to re-draw a study plan.

Heguru worksheet is here to stay. Instead of doing Berries daily, I decided we try to stick to a 3x practice a week at least we can be consistent. So when Jonathan has Berries, Matthew would do his Mandala. English writing would be a new start. Matthew will learn to do a tripod grasp in holding his pencil while the older brother will first proceed with name, then to common words. I decided to get the concept of addition and subtraction across to them, Dot Bar is still the best option. So I'm going to give it another go, starting with the 3x3 square.

Weekends, I try to keep it light with minimal work. A recap of Maths and Berries for Jonathan and doing Tangram/ Iroita puzzle for Matthew.

You probably think I'm stressing the boys but I chose to think it this way. Every night to spend 15minutes doing some learning won't take much away from their childhood. I rather start now and slow, to establish a routine of nightly revision and also have the luxury to try out different approaches in  preparation of P1 than to scamper at the last minute. Tiger mum or not, I know I'm just a systematic mum that likes to prepare them ahead.
