Fruit of Labour?

25 November 2014

Jon's 1st Mandala (on his own efforts)
Pardon the extra pencil lines
Added on by Matt before I could snap a picture

11 months after Jon first attended Heguru, after 6 months of implementing a study routine and after 2 months of practices at home, Jon scored his first completed Mandala on his own effort, completed with colours and accurate description of shapes.

I was delighted to see some light after all the Heguru lessons. However as the boy grows, personal preference becomes evident. I am at the crossroad. Do you continue to send your child to an enrichment class because you as a parent believes in the benefits or do you pull your child out because the interest is waning?

May be easy to say go for the latter because learning comes when there's interest. But to a 3 year old child, he may perceive as there's no need for perseverance when met with challenges. Giving up is the way out.

It's a delicate situation and I am still thinking through on when to strike the balance. Parenting is never easy.

*Mandala - The picture is shown for a minute to the child. Parents to say out colours and shapes. After a minute, child draws the picture and add in the colour from memory. Exercise is to target right brain training.*
