Moving onto Porridge

butternut squash with meat stock, flavored with dried scallop

Matthew suffered from slight diarrhea today and I decided to let him try porridge instead of fruit and vegetable puree. I didn't prepare my usual stock of carrot, potato and spare pork ribs. For Matt's 1st bowl of porridge, I decided to use lean meat to cook and I also used dried scallop to enhance the flavor.  His only edible ingredient is butternut squash.

Less than an hour, his porridge was ready but he refused to open his mouth. Really "wa wa wa" and more "wa wa wa" was that he opened his mouth for the maid to feed him, much to my chagrin.

In the end, Matthew 少爷 ate a total of .... 5 mouths, out of which I only managed to feed him 2 mouths. Just hope he will be more keen in porridge later on.
