Playing Catch Up

I have not been blogging much.. Life has been so hectic.

My day begins early....

5.30am - wake up to pump
7.30am - leave house for work
During office hour, I squeeze in another 2 pump sessions so that my boyboy has BM to drink.
5.30pm - rush home for 2nd shift cos' my mum needs to go off by 6.30pm to fetch my older brother's 2 kids from Childcare.

If I'm lucky, I get to eat my dinner before 8pm. If I'm lucky, I get to shower before 9pm. If everything goes well, I get to sleep by 10.30pm.

Most often, that's not the case. Ah boy wants to play till 9pm. Kicks a big fuss before he sleeps. Not forgetting, he wakes up at 2-3am for a feed. Recently, he decides he won't sleep immediately after his milk, so that means it drag on until 4am before he (we) sleep(s).

Yes, is torturous.. but every morning, I am so reluctant to leave the house. I wish I could stay home with him and enjoy every moment with him although I admit it could be quite a chore at times handling a cranky baby.

Did I also mention that I was brawling my eyes out last Friday when Jon refused to let me settle him to sleep? I was so heart broken as I was THE ONE that he looks for to sayang him to sleep in the past. Looks like my mum has become his favourite number one now. That's very sad :(

With the coming CNY, I must say we are NOT ready. Actually I am not looking forward to all the visiting. I'm fiercely possessive over my baby and quite turn off by the idea of so many people carrying my Jon as if he is the parcel in the musical chairs. But the Chinese has a protocol and I guess I just have to bear with it for 1-2 days (I hope!)

It would be nice if I could just nuah at home... watch the TV and be a total potato couch. Perhaps this will provide me a break to update my blog and FB with all the latest Jon's photos and happening.
