2016 MindChamps Preschool Concert

This ought to be our 4th time watching the champs performing at this annually big event. The preschool probably took more than half a year to conceptualise and held the intensively training of the champs in their respective dance items. This is also why I feel that the teachers and staff should be appreciated, no less than the praise-deserving champs, although I have to admit the novelty has worn off in me and the level of enthusiasm reduces with time.

Admission tickets

Venue had remained the same at Fusionopolis although the preschool has moved to Biopolis because of the impending retail renovation helmed by JTC (the landlord). This year, we went in slightly earlier because I remembered last year, we missed the introduction of all champs with their individual photos as we got seated very late.

We got it right. We had 2 rounds of their slideshows which featured their individual photo and their group activities and class photos. You could see proud parents snapping away photos of their beloved child/ children.

As usual, the art and craft gallery featured art works reflecting the theme of the concert.

before going backstage

N2 Daisy work

His sailing boat

K1 Tulip

His definition

his heart representing his integrity

The gallery was a comfortable zone to display the champs' work and there were seating area (although not enough to hold the full capacity of the audience). The post concert reception was held in the same place, so it would get a little chaotic when everyone started to hole up at the same time. We usually just grabbed a plate of food to tide over the boys' hunger and we would make a swift move to vacate from the place. In fact, we couldn't even stay longer because another MindChamps Preschool (Bedok) was using the same place to hold their concert too.

family photo with the stars

So that's it! Another milestone, another year has passed.


Angeline said…
Blessed Birthday, Matt! 🎂💝🎁🎉🎈