
Read off from the forum that a Dec 2012 mummy gave birth to a healthy little princess today. Though she came earlier than expected, the good news brought plenty of excitement to the group, especially for the 1st time mummies.

Eh... I think is really time to get on my feet and quickly finish up whatever I need to complete, that include handing over my job and also getting ready for the arrival of our 2nd prince.

a polaroid shot of us - me @ 31 weeks

Went over to a colleague place for a play date with her dog and she helped us took this polaroid shot. First thing I noticed was the bulging huge tummy. It really had exponentially grown twice its size once I crossed over to 3rd trimester.

Have decided to call off the maternity shoot and arrange for a family shoot instead when XP2 turns 4-6 month. Shall focus on my immediate tasks with my Pte Ltd energy.


Angeline said…
I'm excited for u too! Can't wait to witness God's overflowing grace working in Poh's family :) Thank, God!
Mybusride said…
Came across your blog while searching for pictures of mount A's renovated room.. your new addition is probably 1- 2 months by now.. just want to say congrats on the new addition! :)