Finally see the light once again

Got my Happycall pan in Dec last year. It was kinda bad timing as I had already went back to work. The maid and my mum don't really like my HCP so it has been sitting quietly in the cabinet.

One fine morning, I decided I should reunite with my HCP.

I woke up early on Wednesday morning and decided to make chicken burger for breakfast.

With HCP, I feel the effort was minimal and there was no oil spluttering around. I could turn down the fire and do my other stuff and returned to find my chicken patties cooked.

The only grouse was that HCP produced lots of steam and water condensed once you opened the lid. So I guess the full potential of HCP should be used for cooking food with gravy.

Anyway, everyone was happy with the special breakfast.

Oops... my tomato was missing

Another one fine day, I should do something special again with HCP. Maybe BBQ chicken wings?
