Nov - Stressful Month

Can't believe that I'm so stressed again after Jonathan's birth.

Maid problem - 1st week, she performed so well and I was secretly happy I found a gem. But happiness don't last long. Found out that she started to "mis-handle" the tasks she needs to do. So much so I have to lecture her again and again...

I can close one eye for non-baby related stuff but when it comes to Jonathan's thing. I cannot afford to let her be so slip shod. Sigh! I frankly told her, I'm not just tired, I'm SCARED when I go back to work. The saving grace is my mum is the main caregiver.

Everyday, I keep complaining to someone I want to send her back after the maid loan is fulfilled. Sigh! I guess I am still better off without a maid.

Work problem - Because I suddenly had to deliver Jonathan, I was not in office to tie up the loose ends. Hence, I have great difficulties in recalling details. Darren told me to take it easy and just take it as a new job. I really hope so...

My stress is not confined to myself only. Poor Darren is so busy at work that he lost weight. Sigh! With me being heavier now and him losing weight, the difference between us now is a mere 9kg.

Besides all these, my Jonathan is still waking up twice for night feeds. The worse is this baby is such an early riser. He is so wakeful from 5am onwards. Oh gosh! Now we are trying to adjust his timing but to no avail. So I'm still so tired after so long.

I really need some good sleep!


mamamira said…
Hopefully when Jon starts on solids in a couple of mths' time, he'll be able to sleep through, as solids can keep his tummy full longer. Mira's first slept thru nite was at 5mo when she started on cereals. But not everynite lah, still will wake up on some nights..., some nights still wanted us to play with her at 3am aft her feed!