Dreamer's Dreams

I'm a dreamer at times, perhaps at least once or twice a day. Frequency increases when reality hits hard. Not surprising, people tend to hide in their caves when they are undergoing difficult trials.

I admit I am really quite stress by work. Symptoms of stress have started to surface as physical discomfort. For example, I get stomach upset when I drink caffeinated drinks eg. coffee and tea. I will dream a lot at night, most of the times it's about me lost in direction, snake attacks, depicted of my fear and worries.

Besides the night dreams, I day dream as well. About me having nothing to worry about my next meal, I settle myself down with the pastel and do paintings. If not, will be me as a florist or ice cream seller. * I drop the idea of selling desserts as too much work is involved.

A lot of ambitions. But not a lot of perseverance. A lot of ideas. But not a lot of practicality.

I guess that's why I'm still a dreamer.. time to return to my cave again.
