Unbreakable Cycle?

The children caught some nasty virus in the last 2 weeks of December. It started with Jonathan, coughing his lungs out and he recovered enough to go back school for 2 days before he came down with high fever again. He was bloated and vomit easily. Then it was spread to Darren and finally Matthew. If you have followed me, you would know why we would go into a panicky mode when Matt was down with fever.

His fever just won't go away and Jonathan didn't get any better. So we went back to PD and he decided more investigation was needed. So the 2 boys had x-rays and blood tests done.

the test slips

Then they would put on antibiotics treatment for Mycoplasma infection. Thankfully, both boys recovered enough for us to hold a mini X'mas celebration at home.

Then barely after 2 weeks, Jonathan came back from school with fever and he went into bronchitis again! It spread to Matthew, again! Now that Jonathan has recovered to go back school, Matthew is still battling with his bad throat infection, mouth ulcers and high fever. For this, I called up CWK and had to delay Matthew's starting of school.

What a magi medical January >_< and the medical bills since mid- December has been climbing and estimated to be more than 1k now… raising kids in Singapore is really no joke on the pocket!
