He's my brother ; He's my son!

Really thank God for both my sons and especially for Jonathan to be unaffected during Matthew's hospitalisation period.

This little boy has a heart of compassion and empathy. He came and hugged me after I received news from Darren that Matthew was not doing well. Jonathan hugged me three times, looking at me into my eyes as if telling me that don't to worry and he is here to share my burden with me.

He would call out Matt Matt when we entered into the hospital compound and when my mum asked him where I was, he would point and said "di di mummy", meaning that I was with Matt. We had to put Jonathan with mother-in-law on Sunday evening. He put up a strong front. My MIL later told me when people walked past the corridor, Jon would say "mummy mummy", thinking we were back to pick him up. When my mum came to pick him up, my MIL told my mum this, Jon's eyes turned red. He missed us yet he understood that di di needed us more. Such a thoughtful boy.

the 2 brothers

We tried to isolate the 2 boys when Matt came home. Yet the 2 brothers were happy to see each other even if they were separated by a glass door.

back to school

While most children has no school, we decided to send Jonathan to school today. He walked in bravely and happily. Mummy wish that you will be blessed by God everyday and you will find favour in your teachers' eyes always.
