
Motherhood really holds a ton of surprises for me, mostly the unexpected.

1. Remember how I fear that Jonathan will fuss when we are outside, it turned out that he slept through most of our shopping trips that he got super cranky once he was home.

2. I never thought of giving up my piano teaching until Jonathan came along. It was a tough decision to make. In the end, I chose time with Jonathan.

3. I never expect my mum to suggest that she quit her job and helped me with Jonathan. I didn't even dare to ask her because I know she is needed by my elder bro with his two kids. So because of this sudden but life-saving change, we are getting a foreign domestic worker. Another dilemma as we really want our privacy yet we need help on keeping our place clean. I hope this extra help is really helping me then giving me extra problem.


mamamira said…
Glad to hear that yr mother is helping you to bbsit Jon :)