
1. I look crappy! Sigh! Messy hair, pimpled face, flabby thick arms. Pale complexion, dark eye circle. Another 4kg more to lose but my biggest grouse is my messy flyaway hair. I can't do much unless I stop breastfeeding. Wish I can head straight to the salon for a rebonding session, followed by a spa facial session, lastly a relaxing pedi and manicure. I need to be pampered!

2. Paid my $300 deposit for my maid. Sigh! Wonder why the girl at the agency make it sound like I'm making a very bad decision to hire a maid. Kept telling me the first 3 months, employers are likely to vomit blood, run into high blood pressure. The maid won't be able to do much, except eat and sleep. Sigh! Why can't someone invent a robotic maid? Turn it on when I need it, turn it off and tuck it away when the job is done! I need a miracle!


mamamira said…
Robotic maid? I wish too and will be the first in the queue! Lol!! But seriously, living with a maid has both the convenieces and incovenieces. Good is that you can ease yrself fm hsewk chores and bad is, as you mentioned, no privacy. But tat's only a temporary phase. Hope you will clinch a reliable helper :)
Angeline said…
Dun worry, Mummy Poh! It is only temporary.. u will get back to shape + beauty soon =)