Does anyone still write?

 In this fast paced society, does anyone still take the time to write? With pen and paper or in digital format?

I have lost myself in the past 3 years. 

In 2020, we sold the house and we became homeless. It was quite unexpected that someone would offer a higher price for the old flat. We took it and didn't too much on our next steps except to rent a place for the time being. As it turned out, COVID hit us and then, there was circuit breaker.

It was so unusual and so frightening. Everyone was cooped at home and it was like God had everything worked out (I mean, God really had everything under His control.) During the infamous circuit breaker, we had the space luxury. But the spouse changed.

His mood and temper changed. He was no longer kind and patience with the kids. This was when problems started to surface more evidently.

So in 2021, we managed to move into our own place. It was really a nice surrounding and I really enjoyed the space. But the spouse was still angst and the children's noise and squabbling easily provoked him. Being an old building where soundproofing was not updated, the whole block could hear the roars and cries, which was embarrassing to me.

I guess it was the constant squabbling between the brothers, the frustrated roars from the spouse and the loud clacking housework noises that added another layer of stress unto me. I mean work is stressful itself. 

Having to learn running a project on my own, to finding my own man hours to trying understand the toxicology for career's sake, I lost myself. The stress just pounded on me that some days, like now, it just feel very tiring to continue. 

So I exercise to make out some me-time, I went into option trading to gain the self confidence and having more money. But yet, something is still missing.

The peace of God, always so elusive, yet so desired by me. I wonder how did I lose it and how could I find it back?

No answer now. 

To try gain back some momentum in life, I created a financial related IG account and putting my financial numbers to track and to make note. Recently, it lost some appeals because I started to wonder the need to be in cyber space. I'm not a content creator and I have no aspiration to be one. I just enjoy making money , not by the day job, but using money to grow money (in a legit way, of course.)

I also enjoy beautiful houses, aestheic houses styling and nice things in life, gourmet coffee, sweet treats, flowers.

Okay, I think I will stop here. Till the next time, I log in and pen down my random thoughts.
