
reading on his own

The younger boy turns 31 month old today.

He starts to talk more, in combination of 2-3 words, starts to display correlation ability. He sings more in both languages. He is happy to go to his Preschool and is even more playful and mischievous. Toilet-training has started and it is progressing well.

Yet he still amazes me ever more.

The father brought the older one to run some errands, leaving the younger one at home with me. I wanted to take a shower so I told him to take the books and go inside the room to read. I didn't expect him to act upon my instruction. He read and was still reading when I came out of shower.

I praised him endlessly for the effort put in there. Though he doesn't recognise words yet and probably flipping the pages and looking at the pictures, the concentration here is commendable for a 2year 7month old boy.

The effort to read to them every night is starting to reap its benefits.
