Avocado Milkshake

I made my first avocado milkshake last weekend.

NTUC was selling 2 avocados for $2.60 but 2 days after I bought them, the price dropped to $2.40. Avocado is in season now!

The first obstacle I needed to clear was how to choose a ripe avocado. From the googled result, a ripe avocado will be a bit soft to touch. I bought my avocados but they were still unripe and waited for 5 days to get to the riping stage.

To make avocado milkshake, you will need (1) avocado (2) milk (3) sugar

When an avocado is ripe, you will just need to slice around the fruit to remove the seed. The texture would be very creamy like butter.

I blended my avocados with about 500mL of Meiji milk, ice cubes and added sugar to taste. You can use honey too.

End result, 6 glasses of avocado milkshake.

Check out how creamy it was, unlike those diluted ones you find outside.

Taste best when chilled.
