almost 3 months

Times flies.. it's almost 3 months since we got married.

Before we signed on the dotted line, people had forewarned us that in a marriage, there would be conflicts that we have to resolve and we must persevere on. Back in my mind then, I brushed it aside thinking if we had survived the wedding preparation, what's more worse can happen?

How wrong I was and how right the "seniors" were.

This marrige is really nothing like in the Pak Tor aka dating days. Conflicts seem to escalate more and quickly. There were times of doubts. Gone were the time of sweet romance, instead replace by the harsh reality - survival in the concrete jungle.

But I'm reminded by our vow and why our marriage took place . "Our Union by His grace" was engraved in our rings. A reminder that who is in the control and in difficult moment, I seek Him and lay down my troubles on His feet.

While some troubles can be resolved, others call for tolerance, compromise and more love. Marriage is not about a competition of who's right or wrong. Marriage is a walk that both partners are bound in hands and legs. They have to help each other to finish the race.

This morning, I just remember that our wedding album is not ready yet and here's a sneak preview of what had happened 3 months ago...

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