When will it All End?

My work is really bothering me alot. My project dateline is looming just above my head and suddenly my experiments just failed to work. "Suddenly" is the right word to use. i was doing my experiments well, getting result and all of a sudden, there's the problem of degrading antibodies. Then it was the protein samples problem.

Order new antibodies in, get new samples. All set to go. Then the equipment and the buffers had some problems. Troubleshoot it and ready to go again. And realized that the new antibodies is of such a poor quality that I couldn't even use them.

Is there any more bad news for me?

Of course, I'm dejected. I'm disappointed and frustrated. Each set of experiments took 2 days to complete and no result in the end. I take pride in my work and this is really getting onto my nerves. I'm really troubled.

A lot of "why me?" in my head. But in the midst of these frustrations and stress, I just have to persevere on. I believe when everything ends, it will be a sweet victory for me.

加油!Les pommes!


yagizaneo said…
There are bound to be peaks and valleys in life..so yupz..no matter what, muz 加油!!Add oil! Ganbatte kudasai!