Thanks Be To God

Finally there's a breakthrough for me at work.

I spent last night, trying to encourage myself with God's words. Repeatedly reminded myself that by God's grace, I will get through this situation.

"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer" Romans 12:12

While I was waiting for my result, I quickly said a prayer, proclaiming that God is in control of the situation and He can make the impossible become possible.

So when I saw the final outcome, I was just so flooded with emotions. Overwhelmed by God's answered prayer, I am even more convicted that God is Almighty Lord! Amen!

He who does not forsake me but quieten me with His presence. He who in His time makes everything alright. I thank God for His grace who makes my impossible become possible.

Let my lips forever sing praises to Him, my Lord Jesus! Amen!
