Sterilizing in Progress

Today's task - Trial run of sterilizer and washing of milk bottles

Dismantle all the accessories of Avent Sterilizer and learning to re-assemble them to suit our needs. Test run of sterilizer began.

1st batch of successful sterilized bottles. Avent series in different make and sizes. 2 x 125mL of anti-colic bottles, 2 x 260mL of anti-colic bottles, 3 pacifiers, 1 x 125mL of normal bottle n 260mL bottle that need adapter rings. 2 extra teats.

Mendela series from Freestyle breasts pump. 4 of them with an extra received during one of the baby expo fair. 1 teat included. 3 glass milk bottles meant for storage.



mamamira said…
Wah! You are really well prepared! I remembered I only started the sterilization upon discharged so everything was in 'chaos' haha! The bottles should be enough if you intend to latch on breastfeed during daytime etc. I used the medela bottles for BM collection/storage and Avent bottles for feeding. I dun use the 260ml bottles until bb is abt 3mths onwards so you might need more of the 125ml ones. Newborns usually feed 3hourly, 60 - 80ml on average :))
mamamira said…
And on the Avent teats, they hav numberings on them so be careful not to mix-up. The 260ml ones come with no. 2 teat which is for 1mth onwards. I used 125ml ones with teat no. 1 during newborn. The higher the no, the faster the flow. No. 3 teat for 3/4 mths onwards and lastly no. 4 teat for 6mths onwards. Mira's still using teat 4 til this day cuz tats the fastest flow teat fm Avent liao, hehe.
Les Pommes said…
Thanks for ur advice! I noticed the no.1 n no. 2 teats for agent bottles. Hee hee same plan as yours. Avent for feeding ebm n mendela for storage.
mamamira said…
Not advice lah, I am far fm tat! I am juz glad tat I can share my past experience wif u. Hope you dun find me too long winded though! Tat's a mother's nature, I suppose?! Haha, you will find out yrself come next mth :))