Combi Urban Walker

We finally bought our stroller after so much comparison and weighing out all the pros and cons. We were deciding among big brands such as Quinny, Peg Perego Piko P3 switch or classic and Combi's Miracle Turns or Urban Walker.

Eventually, we decided to go a light weight stroller that I can single handedly fold the pram and unfold the pram. So light that I have no problem carrying it myself. So in the event I have to bring Xiao Poh out myself, I can manage everything (although I still doubt I can do it alone, with the diaper bag, my own handbag, a baby and a stroller).

Anyway, Takashimaya Baby Fair came at the right time.

We got our Urban Walker at $389 with free delivery.

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We liked this Urban Walker firstly, it is light weight (around 6.3kg). The wheels are sturdy enough. I can single handedly fold and unfold and carry it. Fully recline position for infant and everything is washable. Also, the handle can be switched to forward and backward. So Xiao Poh can always look at us when we push him around in his pram. I chose a beige colour instead of grey. I thought beige looks more cheerful.

The downside about Combi stroller is that since it is so light, it is not advisable to hang your barang barang at the back of the stroller. In case, the whole stroller flip backwards which I witnessed before. Luckily the father held onto his baby boy, if not I could not imagine the consequences.

The Combi promoter threw in a bag of free stroller toys for us. All from Combi.

I was so surprised that we got 6 free stroller toys. I thought it would be just one toy. But 6 toys, I think it is easily worth at least $50.

Anyway, all the descriptions on the toys are in Japanese. I roughly guess some toys are only suitable for older babies.

Besides the stroller, we manage to buy or rather we never fail to buy something for Xiao Poh. Ya... come to think of it, all the shopping now is for Xiao Poh.

We bought a dual head support insert for his stroller from Munchkin, furry cover for his car seat harness and a UV shade to put at the window of his car seat.

A colleague gave me her Combi Coccoro car seat. We changed the cushion cover but the harness strap covers were out of stock. It was still out of stock when we called them last week, they allowed us to change the colour (blue or pink). We decided not to and bought these furry covers instead.

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I hope the furry covers will match the car seat well.

As for his stroller insert, we were lucky that Munchkin had this dual head support insert in beige colour.

Looks like we are ready to zoom zoom now!


mamamira said…
I like Combi stuff too. Been using their stroller and car seat for past 1.5yr, so far so good :))