All I wanna Eat before Popping series - Chilli Crab

I got my craving satisfied. Unfortunately, my hunger overtook my memory to take photographs of my chilli crab. It was digging halfway then I remember I haven't took a photo of my beloved chilli crab.

Actually, come to think of it. I don't feel "Wow" after my chilli crab, unlike my chocolate souffle. Maybe the chilli crab standard drops?

Whatever it is, next stop - Mao Shan Wang Durians!


Angeline said…
wow...why ur cravings are all the heaty food?? u need to be 'cooling' at this period of time... aiyo...remember to eat these heaty food moderately ok? =)
Les Pommes said…
I have my wonder coconut drink, chilled for my consumption! :)