Congratulation (to myself)!

During pregnancy, there could be some weird happenings and changes. Uh-huh… before anyone jumps to the conclusion I'm joining the SG50 baby wagon, you got it all wrong! The weird change I am about to explain indeed happened during my pregnancies and after almost close to 4 years, I'm reverted to norm.

You see, when I was pregnant with Jonathan, I suddenly lost the appreciation of durian. It was an awful smell to me and I thought I would be "okay" after delivering Jon, after all I was a durian fan. Yet, it did not happened and it got worse during Matthew's time. As strange as it began, this offensive smell suddenly turned a 360 degree change yesterday.

Suddenly I could smell the aromatic fragrance of a D24 and I could taste once again the creamy, bittersweet flesh that I once loved so much.

it finally came home!

Besides myself revelled at the reunion with the king of fruits, the next most happy got to be the hub. He bought back durians which we devoured as afternoon snacks.

satisfaction index was high

As for the boys, Matt's response was "Eww…. smelly. Smelly dustbin." He then proceeded to take my hub's hand and attempted to throw into the dustbin. The other boy… held his breath as long as possible…

Looks like in this household, the lovers remain the same.
