Moving on to Berries

14 December 2014

After almost a year of waiting, Jonathan finally got a place in Berries. For the unaware, Berries is a popular Chinese Enrichment Course for Preschoolers although they also offer up to Primary School level.

Term Fee & Material Fee

Initially, I wasn't sure if I should start Jon so early in Chinese enrichment, although I knew he need to have a good foundation, especially if he is going to a primary school that would start Higher Chinese at P1. Knowing that Berries is a popular choice because it incorporates fun into learning a language, I put his name on the wait list for 2 branches.

Just this month, when I called to enquire the status, I was lucky that a student withdrew so there's a vacancy on a Saturday afternoon. When we went down on Sunday to register, I was happy to find the premises clean and neat. The classrooms were spacious and Berries do vigorous health check before letting students in. Yes, I am always concerned about health check.

The staff briefly told me the different components conducted in class, for example, there's video watching on chinese story, interactive activities, writing, craft work. Each week, the teacher would spent about 10 minutes revising what was taught the week before.

The materials would be brought home so we can revise with him. Unlike Heguru, there's replacement class for MC, up to 2x in a term. So here we go… starting his new term in a new year in a new setting.
