Props and Actions

our caps

Are we going outdoor? Nope. We are going to do a family photoshoot tomorrow. It was long overdue as I initially booked the package which was meant to be my maternity photoshoot. Then I got lazy and tired but LittleMissRabbit, Hongyin was kind enough to let me change to a family photoshoot.

Although the appointment was done 1 month ago, I still didn't manage to prepare the props completely.

family tee

The family tee didn't turn out what I wanted. Our names could hardly be seen on our grey family tee. I didn't manage to book a pedicure and manicure session simply because I didn't have the time. I only got myself a makeup session and bought another family theme outfits just before I left for my work trip.

Nonetheless, I hope we would have a good time, creating lovely memories.


Angeline said…
Ha! Miss your update! Glad to see a couple of your updates at one go! Ha! Enjoy your family portrait shoot =) Do share with us the finished products, ya?
Les Pommes said…
Haha... ya I miss the blogging time. But sometimes it is just difficult with 2 kids, working full time. By the time, they sleep, I would be too exhausted to turn on the Mac. So now, I would just blog a few posts at one go. You probably can guess... blogging time has now shifted to Fri and Sat night =D