Mid-Autumn Celebration

This is an extremely backdated post but I really thought it would be nice to capture the memories in my little online diary. Mid-Autumn fell on 19 September 2013.

The Mid-Autumn festival started with a school celebration for Jonathan. We bought piglets, water caltrops and baby yams for him to bring to school. His school event committee put up a request for parents to sponsor some of the festival snacks so that the champs can get to learn more about the festival. Initially, we only signed up for piglets as I was not confident I could find baby yam and water caltrops.

(Apologized for the lack of photos as I was in rush to prepare the snacks for Jon to bring to school.)

He returned home with a paper lantern he made in school and the mooncakes he did during gourmet class.

snowskin mooncake

his paper lantern

We brought the 2 boys down to the park, intending to let them stroll with their lanterns and have some fun.

matt with his lantern in his trike

We bought sparklers and honestly, I was quite surprised that Jon dared to hold on to the stick.

playing with sparklers

The sparklers naturally attracted a lot of attention from the kids in the park, as well as the 2 boys.

looking on at the sparklers

A sparkling end to Mid-Autumn itself.
