Air's Inaugural Post - Far Away

I finally got the time to sit down and do the first post from MacBook Air. But I didn't do this in the comfort of my home. Instead, I am miles away from home and in a cold country. Local time is around 10pm and SG time is 3 in the morning.

my luggage

Glad that my air came in time before my overseas trip. Transferring from my Pro to Air was cool... wireless transfer via "Mac talk" although it was more of a 电话粥 (slang in cantonese), taking more than 12hours to complete the task. Afterwhich I had to spend to a close of $120 to accessorise it before it was ready to fly with me.

Whatever it is, I love my MacBook Air and you guess it right.... my next Apple product will be the iPhone 5S... But this has to wait till I get home and have the time again to get it done.

Ciao and Good Night!
