Teething Problem

Jonathan has started to drool a lot and biting his fingers more than ever. Sometimes at night he will keep crying.

Jonathan is growing into the next stage - teething.

Jonathan's teeting toys

Not a pleasant journey for him. His sore and painful gums kept him awake and made him hard to drink his milk. We bought quite a lot of those teething toys and chilled them. Sometimes he got comforted by it, otherwise we used Dentinox on him.

I have read several of those baby guide books and looked like teething is going to be a long process.

Just hope it will get better for him in time.


mamamira said…
Yeah, how I dreaded those teething woes! And yes, it is a long process, Mira only get out of this stage towards her 20mo or so~ but on a brighter note, it is a just passing stage which every bb goes through. Can try putting those teething rings in the refrigerator for extra cooling on the sore gums :)
Les Pommes said…
Oh gosh! 20MO is a long long time.....
mamamira said…
Haha, time will fly when you live with a baby because they grow up sooo fast, don't you think so too? Like Jon has even started on solid feeding now but seemed like not so long ago when I read about his newborn days :)
In fact, Mira at 25mo has not completed her teeth set. I think she still has some molars upcoming. But as more and more teeths sprouting out, they will more or less get 'immune' to those discomforts.