One Final Attempt
After the Motilium attempt, my moo moo career took a rollar coaster ride. It went up, hitting my highest record of 130ml in a single pump session but lasted for 3 days before it took a nose dived to a meagre supply of 50ml.
Trying to save my milk, I continued my fenugreek supplement diligently and drank plenty of water. Also, try not to make myself very stress and have more rest. It went back to 100ml max but never saw my 130ml anymore.
Recently, I guess the stress of returning back to work took a toil. My milk supply hit a bottom low again.
In a last attempt to continue breastfeeding, I turn to Sacred Tea. Highly recommended by many nursing mothers.
One wonderful mummy sold me her pack below cost to let me try out.
But I won't say the tea is excellent in taste. Indeed, the Sacred Tea smell awful but still, I do anything to pump up my supply.
So far after 2 tea session, I still cannot give a verdict whether it is really that good. So finger cross for now!