Sleeping Angel... Resting Mum

When my angel sleeps, I get to rest. When he's in a deep sleep that stretches for 3 hours or slightly more, is my bonus.

Ever since we decided not to swaddle him, Jonathan came up with a lot of sleep patterns. Most of the times, he likes to cover part of his face with his hands and tend to sleep on his right. Maybe he likes to be on his right since in his utero home. I remember when I slept on my left, I could feel him kicking and when I turned to my right, he stopped.

Oh well! After trying to decipher who does Jonathan look more like... I notice he has inherited my eyes shape. Or is mummy losing too much sleep that my eyes now resemble him?

*me and lil Jon... what do you think?*

My only consolation is that my tummy has flattened quite a lot after the jamu massage.

I hope I can squeeze into my pre-preggy clothes when I return to work.


mamamira said…
Aiyoh, looking at yr tummy is really putting my 'way overdue' post pregnancy tummy to shame! Lol!! And yes, Jon's eyes resemble yours. It's a bonus, isn't it? ;))