Counting Down...

I am counting down to the end of my confinement which is next Thursday. *Gulps*

While I finally obtain back my freedom license to venture out legally, I'm also stressed about the pending days with me and Jonathan only. No more help from auntie... can I even survive my Day 1?

Auntie has been a great help in taking care of Jonathan or I should say, she has been the main caregiver while me and Darren play a supporting role. Though I learnt the essential skill of changing diaper, burping and bathing, I really can't help but feel so stress about me handling Jon all by myself.

I don't know if I can survive the night feeds and what's the best way to go about it? Should I stick to formula milk but that means I need to feed, wash and sterilize and I also need to pump. Or should I do latch-on at night but it means baby will wake up more often? Oh gosh! I think I won't be able to catch any sleep at all from next Thursday onwards. So frightening!

Auntie is very reassuring. She has been giving me tips when Jon cries. For example, a sharp loud sudden cry in his sleep means I must quickly scoop him up. Is either he has wind which I need to burp quickly or he's frightened. But if it is nearly feeding time and he cries, auntie says just stay calm and prepare my EBM or FM. And lastly, if it is evening time... he cries because of soiled diaper, prepare a quick warm bath.

Oh dear oh dear! I hope I can remember to stay calm and remain compose when Jonathan starts wailing.

Oh gosh! *stress to the max*


mamamira said…
Or is it possible to extend Auntie for another week or so? I personally feel 28 days are too fast to take over solely.