Swollen Feet
One of the common problems faced by preggi-ers is swollen feet or also known as water retention. The medical term would be oedema of the feet.
In any case, I'm always checked for water retention by my gynae. I was cleared by him on my last visit. But on last Monday, I was upset by how swollen my feet was.

Now, this is my feet on normal days and which I'm trying to upkeep now.

And my elephant feet on Monday. Totally swollen and enlarged. Note, my skin was also inflammed. I was naturally upset at my feet condition. But I'm glad that my feet has resumed to its usual state.
So I figured out that it must be the salty chicken rice I had on Sunday night. Made me so thristy that I kept drinking water the whole night. Then the next day, I suffered from water retention plus the hot hot hot weather made my feet expanded and my heat rashes flared up.
To avoid having elephant feet again, I now consciously elevate my feet when sitting and sleeping. It really helps and hope there won't be any more episode of elephant feet again.