Bird's Nest

Mother-in-law brewed bird's nest for me today. Actually I have been taking bottled bird's nest since week 16, twice a week. I wasn't sure why bird's nest is good but after yesterday antenatal class, I know why.

First, the birds fly out to the sea and catch small fish. On their way back to build their nest, the birds chew and chew the small fish. And mixed with their sputum, the birds spitted out to make their nest.

So by the time, we have our bird's nest, we are actually eating their half chewed fish and their sputum.

It means that there will be calcium and protein in bird's nest so it is nutritious for the baby. The myth of having bird's nest will let the baby to have lush hair and fair skin may hold some truth after all.

But with such a concentrated bowl of bird's nest, I sure can save a few weeks' of supply. =D
