Hi 5 - Jonathan!
August was an exciting month for someone. He has requested a birthday staycation at his favourite building. Can you make a guess? Jonathan turned 5 last month and at the tender age of 4+, he had developed a keen interest in tall buildings and skyscrapers. It was no surprise that Marina Bay Sands (MBS) caught his eye. For a year, he did crafts with this iconic building as theme. For example, he would draw many pictures of MBS and he would build MBS with his megablocks, complete with the curving structure. MBS He likes MBS so much that he wanted a birthday cake with MBS theme. I had a hard time finding a baker who could do a MBS cake. In the end, it was baked with photo insert. Cloud9 & their bake So the brothers celebrated the birthday in school with this MBS cake which Jonathan said he was very happy and the cake was very yummy. Happy Birthday! Prior to school celebration, we held a small celebration in Church with his Sunday School's ...